Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30 EST
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Jackite Reviews from Customers
I thought you might enjoy this image of your doves flying around our church steeple. I recently ordered six doveswe got them put together in time for Pentecost, the Christian celebration of the birth of the church and the arrival of the Holy Spirit to empower the disciples. We had doves gently hanging/flying over our altar and also flew doves around the sanctuary over the heads of the congregation while the scripture was read. After worship we took the kites outside and children were given a chance to fly them outdoors, which they loved. They were beautiful, and yes, they really do look like real birds in the air.
Ruth Ann Ramstad
Woodbury/Peaceful Grove United Methodist Church

Joseph Sandoval
It is about the best thing I have ever owned. I would call this a big boy toy by all means. Taking this item out camping this weekend. Also, Just ordered a Eagle then my falcon. Just a GREAT product.
Jenny - 5 Years Old
Thanks for the little bird kite. I tried the Cardinal Kite and it flew in the sky. The wings were flapping and it looked very pretty. I like flying it every time I go out.
I was passing a sporting goods store in my area and they had your mallard kite flying in front of their store. It looked so real I turned around and bought one immediately. I have already shown my friends and they are going to buy one or two. Keep up the good work. -Brad W.
Just a note to let you know how much I enjoy my "Lucky Duck". He evidently looked too real to the predator that attacked him. I think a hawk was trying to grab a quick and easy lunch since he saw the duck attached to a pole on my lake side dock. I had received many compliments on how real the duck looked to the boaters passing by. Evidently, they were not the only ones fooled! -Mr. Murray